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Summer Services

Outdoors Tutoring

Tiger Tutor is now online!

We understand this can be a stressful time for students. However, it is never too late to prepare for the SAT and we are here to help your students succeed and achieve their goal score. Check out our summer services below!

SAT Summer Workshops (FREE!)


Take our FREE online SAT workshops! Tiger Tutor’s summer workshops review both the  SAT Reading and Writing seconds (session one) and the SAT Math with and without calculator (session two). Each session is two hours long and students can sign up for  one or both workshops. We highly recommend this class for  students who are just starting to prepare or looking to freshen up the skills that they’ve learned for the SAT in August. This is also a great chance for students to gauge where they need help and determine which other SAT summer service best fits their needs.


Class Cost: FREE!

SAT Summer Boot Camp

Tiger Tutor’s SAT Summer Boot Camp is a 1-week intensive online class that will prepare students for the August SAT test. This 1-week course includes 10 hours of direct instruction and a complimentary pre-test and post-test. Students will review questions and answer types, learn test taking strategies, and more! We highly recommend this class for students who have already been preparing for the SAT  and are looking to get more practice and refine the skills that they’ve already learned. To ensure small group class sizes, this class is capped at 5 students.


Class Cost: $300 

Looking to test your SAT skills before you sign up for a class? Sign up for our FREE Summer Workshops above! 

SAT 4-week Summer Intensive Class

Our 4-week online small group class will prepare students for the August SAT test. Students will review the entire test, learn new concepts, practice test-taking strategies, and more! This course includes 16 hours of direct instruction and a complimentary pre-test and post-test. We highly recommend this class for any students who  are just starting to prepare for the SAT and will be taking the test in August. To ensure small group class sizes, this class is capped at 5 students.


Class Cost: $400 

Looking to test your SAT skills before you sign up for a class? Sign up for our FREE Summer Workshops above! 

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